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Agape Retreat

2024 Summer


June 14-16, 2024

Trade the ordinary for extraordinary! Join us for a summer retreat packed with refreshing water games, thrilling activities, and unforgettable moments under the stars!

10 Teams, 7 Meals, 4 Worships, and

One Unforgettable YOU


North Bay Adventure Camp, Maryland

Transportation provided from/to KCPC


About event


등록은 선착순 120명에게만 주어집니다. 학생은 DMV 지역의 비성인(20세 미만) 중학생 또는 고등학생이어야 합니다. 5월 19일 까지 등록 받습니다. 

Registration is open to first 120 students. Student must be a non-adult, under 20 year-old, middle or high school student in DMV area. Must register by 5/19/2024. 


체크인은 오전 10시 (6/14) KCPC 다목적실에서 시작됩니다. 아가페에서 수양관까지 왕복 교통편을 제공합니다.

Check-in begins 10 AM (6/16) at KCPC Multi Purpose room. Agape will provide round-trip transportation to the retreat center.


6월 16일 오후 4시경 KCPC에 도착할 예정입니다. 참고하시고 집으로 가는 교통편을 준비하시기 바랍니다.

We will arrive at KCPC around 4 PM on June 16. Please arrange your transportation accordingly.

Fee Schedule: 

Registration is not complete until the payment is submitted via form.

  • Early Registration: $140 until 4/28

  • Regular: $170 after 4/28 until 5/26

  • Sibling discount: 2nd: $100, 3rd: $100

  • PK/MK: $70 (currently active PK/MK kids only)


결제 방법:

  • 온라인 등록 양식을 통해 신용/직불 카드 결제가 가능합니다.

  • 현금이나 수표로 결제해야 하는 경우 소그룹 선생님께 연락하시기 바랍니다.

Payment Options:

  • Credit/debit cards are accepted through the online registration form.

  • If you need to pay with cash or check, please contact your small group teacher.


목사/선교사 자녀 할인:

  • 현재 활동 중인 목사 및 선교사분들 (KCPC 외에서 섬기시는 분들 포함)은 자녀 등록 시 할인 혜택을 받으실 수 있습니다. 할인 링크를 받으시려면 로 이메일을 보내주세요.

PK/MK Discount: 

  • Currently active pastors and missionaries (including those serving outside of KCPC) may be eligible for a discount on their child's registration. Please email for the discount link.


Want to make a difference? Become a volunteer! Express your interest using this form and select "수양회 봉사자". KCPC Agape will contact you for an interview.

event schedule

June 14 - Friday

June 15 - Saturday

June 16 - Sunday


  • Registration and Check-in: Get settled in and receive your welcome packets. Arrive to KCPC by 10 AM.

  • Icebreakers: Fun, interactive games to get to know your fellow adventurers.


  • Lunch: Fuel up with a delicious meal before the journey begins.

  • Transport to North Bay Adventure Camp: Let the excitement build as you head to the campsite.


  • Dinner: Enjoy a hearty meal and lively conversations.

  • Talent Show: Share your awesome skills and have a blast with your new friends.

  • Night of Worship and Hidden Mission: A powerful time of spiritual connection and exciting surprises.


  • Morning Prayer: Start the day with a centering and reflective prayer session.

  • Breakfast: Nourish your body for the amazing challenges ahead.

  • QT (Quiet Time): Find a peaceful spot for personal reflection and Bible time.

  • Team Challenges: Unleash your teamwork and problem-solving skills in fun competitions.


  • Lunch: Refuel after a morning of thrilling challenges.

  • Outdoor Activities: Take on the adventure with ziplining, rock climbing, or a nature hike (customize to the camp's activities!).


  • Dinner: Share a satisfying meal and stories of the day's adventure.

  • Night of Worship with Prayers: Experience uplifting music and heartfelt prayers together.


  • Morning Prayer: A final time to connect in prayer before departure.

  • Breakfast: Enjoy a final meal at camp with your new friends.

  • Open Mic: Share your thoughts, poems, or songs for a morning of inspiration.

  • Lunch: A farewell meal as you prepare for the journey home.


  • Transport Back to KCPC: Travel back with a heart full of memories and new bonds.

  • Arrive at KCPC by 4 PM. 

experience agape

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